Tag Archive: Charity

I just purchased the latest Indiegala offering and it looks excellent.

Head over to indiegala.com to check it out!

With a total of 16 games included, all of which might have potential and some of which look like they could be really good I don’t see how you can go too far wrong.

Beat Hazard boast gameplay driven by your music collection!

I like these bundles because even though I never really give the games the time that each one deserves often they give me an experience that’s a little different from the more commercial offerings that I usually play. For example Beat Hazard (shown above) apparently uses your music collection to influence the game play! I just hope I can get round to trying some of them out properly.

If you head over to IndieRoyale.com you can get a bunch of games on a pay what you want deal. This time all the proceeds go to charity, so that’s good.

Osmos – smaller than you – good; bigger than you – bad!

I’ve played Osmos before, and that’s probably worth what you would pay for the whole bundle. In osmos you take the role of a round thing floating around with a bunch of other round things. You can propel yourself in any direction using the mouse, but in doing so you also lose some of your volume. If you bump into something that is smaller than you you absorb it. If you bump into something bigger than you it absorbs you.

Another game in the bundle; Button reminds me a lot of one of the first games you learn to write in Rob’s XNA Book. You can read part of it here. I’d recommend it particularly if you want to start learning C# at the same time.

The Shivah is also included, which appears to be a point and click game about a rabbi who is framed for a murder, and blueberry garden, which appears to be about a garden, and some blueberries.

All the money raised goes to Unicef, Electronic Frontier Foundation, ActionAid and Amnesty International

A new bundle of games is now available on a pay what you want basis from www.indieroyale.com. Five games are available. Although I’ve played Dungeon Defenders before the other four look pretty good. They are Containment: The Zombie Puzzler, Data Jammers: FastForward, Brainpipe – A plunge to Unhumanity and Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space.

So far I’ve enjoyed playing Containment: The Zombie Puzzler from bootsnake games – which uses a simple game mechanic and adds zombies – because people love zombies, right?

Is zombie King Kong the source of the zombie infection? Damn dirty ape!

It’s a very well executed game with a cinematic style that is clearly influenced by the likes of the film ZombieLand, which is excellent if you haven’t seen it.

Weird worlds is next I think. If it is any good I’ll let you know!